You can write different types of text using the text utilities in different contexts.


You can use h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 h6 tags to use headings or you can also style your text like a heading using the corresponding class h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6.

Code Example :

Example of h1 element

Example of h2 element

Example of h3 element

Example of h4 element

Example of h5 element
Example of h6 element


You can use p tag or add .p class to add a paragraph. Additionaly if you want to change the size of the paragraph text, you can add the corresponsing class text-sm-size, text-rg-size, text-lg-size and if you want to change the weight of the paragraph text, you can add the correspondig class text-light-weight, text-regular-weight, text-bold-weight.

Code Example :
Example of paragraph with class

Example of paragraph element

Example of small size text

Example of regular size text

Example of large size text

Example of light weight text

Example of regular weight text

Example of bold text

Text Alignment

You can align the text to left, right or center by adding a class like text-left, text-right, text-center to an element with text.

Code Example :

Example of left aligned text

Example of right aligned text

Example of center aligned text